
Allanson 2721-456 Ignition Transformer for Aero Burner

Allanson 2721-456 Ignition Transformer for Aero Burner
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Allanson 2721-456 Ignition Transformer for Aero Burner Allanson 2721-456 Production Transformer

Allanson 2721-456 Ignition Transformer for Aero Burner

SKU: 2721-456
Rating: (1)
Quantity Price Stock
Usually Ships 3-5 Days
$97.22     /ea

The Allanson 2721-456 Ignition Transformer is designed for use with burners.  The transformer has an input supply voltage of 120V and 60Hz frequency.  Also, the loading air gap ranges from 1/8" to 3/16".

Allanson Production Transformers do offer two sizes, the standard size Series 421 and the small can Series 2721.  They operate quietly and safely on any kind of burner and suitable for use with Aero burners. 

The 2721-456 Transformer replaces Webster 313-24ABAER and France 5LAY-56.

Input Supply Voltage 120V
Input Supply Frequency 60Hz
Primary Voltage - Amperes 250VA
Secondary Voltage 10,000 RMS
Secondary Short Circuit Current 23mA
Operating Temperature -30 to +40C
Operating Relative Humidity 90%
Loading Air Gap 1/8" - 3/16"
HV Terminal Zinc Plated Button
Hinge Location End Hinge

By Rodney


Yes, I would recommend this product to a friend or co-worker

5.0 Transformer for Aero Burner

Identical to the one that was on furnace. Fit right on no problem

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Do you have questions about this product?

On the ALLANSON 2721-456 what is the resistance of the secondary and primary if measured by a meter in ohms? Thank you
Asked on March 11, 2019 by Richard from Quebec , Canada
1 Answers

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Unfortunately, we do not have a unit that we can test this and provide the information.   If we are able to get this data, we will update our site.
Replied on March 12, 2019 by Ori from Industrial Stores